Safer BDSM: Learn How to Use a Ball Gag Confidently

Safer BDSM: Learn How to Use a Ball Gag Confidently

Whatever we explore under the umbrella of BDSM, it’s important we do it safely. One of the most well-known products for play is the ball gag, which can seem quite intimidating for those just starting out. However if this is a toy you want to explore further, here are some tips on how to use one safely and with confidence.

Overview of Ball Gags:

The purpose of ball gags are to limit the movement of a partner’s mouth. These are often used in power exchange dynamics where one partner assumes the dominant position over the other. While ball gags can be exciting, it is important to use them safely.
In this article we will provide an overview of their functionality, the different types of gag, materials and how to use them safely so your scene does not go awry..

Types of Ball Gags

Firstly, there are several types of ball gag each with it’s own unique features. The most common types include:
  • Solid ball gags: these have a solid ball made of rubber or silicone with a strap that reaches around the head
  • Hollow ball gags: the ball of these gags are hollow and allows the wearer to breathe more
  • O-ring ball gags: these have a metal ring that fits inside the wearers mouth and are useful for those who find solid balls uncomfortable
  • Bit gags: these gags have a bar that goes between the wearers teeth and are useful for those who prefer not to have their mouth completely covered


There are several materials to choose from when it comes to ball gags. The most common materials are:
  • Rubber: These are affordable and easy to clean but can have a strong taste and odor
  • Silicone: These are hypoallergenic and odorless which makes them a great option for those with sensitive skin
  • Leather: These are durable and aesthetically pleasing but do require more maintenance than other materials
  • Metal: these are sturdy and durable but these can be heavy and uncomfortable for some people to wear

Buying a Ball Gag

There are some style and fit elements to consider when you are buying a ball gag. Let’s discuss fit.
  • A ball gag should neither be too tight or too loose. One that is too tight can cause discomfort and difficulty breathing. When a gag is too loose then it can become a choking hazard. The dominant partner should monitor the wearer’s breathing and remove the gag immediately at any sign of distress.
  • It is also important that you keep the area around the wearer’s mouth clear to prevent any choking hazards.
  • When choosing a ball gag, make sure to select one that fits properly without causing discomfort or pain. A poorly fitting gag can lead to jaw pain as well as breathing and choking difficulties.
  • When considering the size of the ball gag, it should be big enough to fit comfortably in the wearers mouth without being too big. Typically most people find that a ball gag with a diameter of 1.5 to 2 inches is comfortable.
  • You should also consider the length of the strap that holds the ball in place, and find a gag with an adjustable strap so you can ensure it fits comfortably. To avoid any chafing, you can consider using gags with additional features like corner straps or padded straps to reduce irritation on the corners of the mouth..

Hygiene and safety considerations

Let’s keep it clean - this part at least! Hygiene is essential when it comes to anything that goes inside of you. Ensure you clean the ball gag before and after each use with soap and water, then disinfecting it with a solution such as rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. You may find it a good idea to store the gag in a clean, dry place where it won’t come into contact with other toys or unsanitised surfaces.
You should also consider the material of the ball gag. Some materials, like rubber or leather, are porous which means they can harbour bacteria and be difficult to clean thoroughly. Silicone and hard plastic are generally easier to sanitise and maintain.
The dominant partner should test the gag before using it on another. This will give them an idea of how it feels and ensure it is neither too uncomfortable or restrictive. If a gag causes any discomfort or pain then it is unsuitable for use.

Using a Ball Gag:

When introducing the ball gag into play, try starting with something soft such as a cloth or scarf to allow your partner to get used to the sensation of having their mouth covered.
  • Never leave somebody who is gagged unattended and have a plan in place in case of emergency. Keep a pair of scissors in easy reach in case you need to snip the strap off in a hurry.
  • Nonverbal communication is essential. Before you begin, you should agree on specific gestures or body language to indicate discomfort or distress. You could nod, shake your head or tap a safe object three times.
  • Ensure the gag fits properly. A well fitting gag should keep the mouth open without causing pain.
We hope these tips are useful when it comes to working a ball gag into your scenes. As comprehensive as we have tried to make this, please always read a multitude of articles before embarking on a new BDSM adventure to ensure you are fully equipped for safe play.
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