Discover the Thrill: A Beginner's Guide to Using Flogger

Discover the Thrill: A Beginner's Guide to Using Flogger

For those interested in impact play, learning how to use floggers can be a potentially exciting venture. It is a popular form of play that can be used to create both pleasure and pain depending on the preferences of the person on the receiving end. In this guide we will show you how to safely explore flogging.

Definition of Flogging

Flogging is commonplace in BDSM and it involves the use of a flogger to spank or whip somebody to create a specific sensation, whether that is pleasure or pain. As with many activities under the BDSM umbrella, it is an activity that requires trust, consent and two-way communication between partners.
Floggers have a handle and multiple tails, or “falls”, that create the sensations on impact with skin. The range of sensations produced can be from mild to intense depending on the force and the type of flogger used.

Types of Floggers

While the form of a flogger is broadly the same, each flogger type varies by material. Some common types of floggers include:
  • Pleather Floggers - these are usually sold in “mainstream” pleasure retailers and are often made of lightweight pleather that rarely causes marks on the skin. These are lightweight and usually good for beginners to get to grips with
  • Leather Floggers: The most common type of flogger and are typically made of high-quality leather. As with pleather floggers, they come in a variety of sizes and styles with smaller floggers with a few tails to large floggers with multiple sets of tails to cover more surface area
  • Rubber Floggers: These are also a great option for beginners because they are less expensive than leather floggers. Floggers made of rubber or latex can also be softer than leather floggers to provide a gentler sensation if you are new to this sort of impact play
  • Chain Floggers: These have a harder handle typically and tails made of metal chains to provide a more intense sensation than leather or rubber floggers. These are not recommended for beginners for obvious reasons

Benefits of Using Floggers in BDSM

While flogging can seem intimidating - it also has benefits which is why it is such a popular form of impact play.
  1. Sensory Stimulation - Floggers can provide a range of sensations from a light tickle to a full thud - the latter can be quite intense. People find the variety of sensations that a flogger provides arousing, especially when you vary how the flogger is used. For example trailing the flogger lightly across the submissive’s back before striking and alternating back and forth.
  2. Stress Relief - Flogging can relieve stress, like many BDSM activities, and be incredibly therapeutic. The sensation of being flogged can help to release endorphins which promote feelings of relaxation and euphoria; these feelings are especially beneficial for people who have high levels of stress and anxiety in their daily lives.
  3. Improved Communication - Effective communication is essential in any BDSM scene and when it comes to flogging, this requires the dominant to pay close attention to the submissive's reactions and adjust their technique accordingly. Learning to read non-verbal cues in scenes deepens the understanding of one’s partner even outside of a scene, leading to a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

How to Use a Flogger: Safety and Preparation

As always, safety is paramount so before engaging in flogging you must first have established trust, communication and consent with your partner. For a full in-depth BDSM Safety 101 we will refer you to this blog post here.
In addition to your standard safety protocol when engaging in kink play, some flogger specific advice includes:
  1.  Know Your Flogger We covered the different types of floggers from leather to rubber, and the difference in impact that comes with each. It’s essential to be familiar with the tool you are working with; such as the length of the tails, how heavy it is, the impact potential and how it feels in your hand. This information will help you control the flogger and avoid accidentally striking an unintended body part.
  2. Preparing the Body To prepare the person being flogged, it’s recommended they should be well-hydrated and fed to maximise their endurance. The skin ought to be free from cuts, bruises or any other injuries that could cause further harm. It would also help for the recipient to stretch their muscles and warm-up beforehand to minimise the risk of injury.
  3. Start Slowly Begin by delivering light strokes to become used to the feeling of the tool in your hand and the impact it is delivering. Deliver light strokes to the fleshier parts of the body, the bum and the thighs, this will also help the recipient adjust to the sensation without causing too much pain. Gradually increase the intensity to a point where both parties remain comfortable. Stay away from the face, neck, spine, or joints, as these areas can be easily injured.
  4. Watch for Warning Signs As a Dominant partner, it is important to watch for warning signs during a flogging session. If the recipient experiences any numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation, you should stop immediately. These symptoms could indicate nerve damage or other injuries that need medical attention.
  5. Check for injuries: After each session, check your partner's skin for injuries such as cuts, bruises, or abrasions. If injuries do occur, ensure the proper aftercare is administered and any cuts are tended to and sanitised
Remember to always prioritise safety and respect during BDSM activities.

Techniques for Using a Flogger

Now let’s take a look at some techniques to try in your next flogging session. You can experiment with different strokes, each has its own unique sensation:
  • Florentine: This uses two floggers simultaneously in a figure-of-eight motion
  • Drumming: Where you repeatedly tap the flogger against the skin
  • Thudding: Uses heavier strokes to create a thudding sensation
  • Stinging: Uses lighter strokes to create a stinging sensation
Then once you have established a rhythm and your partner is comfortable, you can begin to increase the intensity. When you vary the intensity of the strokes you keep things interesting and build anticipation.
Try focussing on different areas of the body, such as the back, bum, thighs and genitals. Do be careful as certain areas can be more sensitive than others so pay attention to your partner’s reactions and adjust accordingly.
You can enhance the sensation of the flogger by experimenting with other sensations, such as temperature play or blindfolds. We are big fans of a blindfold during impact play to heighten the anticipation and increase the intensity of the sensations created by the impact.

Aftercare for Flogging

It is important to discuss the need for aftercare after any BDSM scene as what ‘ideal aftercare’ looks like varies depending on your partner. Flogging can be intense and physically demanding, so it is crucial for both parties to take care of each other’s physical and emotional needs after the impact session ends.
There are several ways to provide aftercare so here are some general tips to keep in mind:
  1. Check for and tend to injuries: It’s important to check for any signs of injuries and ensure they are tended to
  2. Hydrate and refuel: Replenish the body’s energy with water and snacks after a scene
  3. Emotional support: Flogging can be an emotionally charged experience so providing emotional support once the scene ends can be required. This could involve holding, cuddling or simply talking about the experience
  4. Safe space: Take the time to relax and recover in a safe space. Think about dimming the lights, playing calming music or providing soft blanket and pillows
  5. Check-in: Check in with your partner a day or so after the scene has ended to check they are feeling okay and address any emotions or discomfort that may have arisen since
.While flogging can be a fun and thrilling experience for those wishing to explore impact play, beginners should start light and gradually work their way up to heavier floggers. Always remember to prioritise the safety and well-being of your partner, as well as having open and honest communication before, during, and after a scene.
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